Commentaire d'image en anglais : global warming

Publié le 29 févr. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 mars 2012 dans 12A

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4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 mars 2012
Le crane de l'homme ressemble à une terre aride.
L'homme se regarde dans les yeux comme s'il constatait des rides autour de ses yeux.
Il y a un peau de crème ouvert. Il a certainement la peau sèche et essaie de l'hydrater.
La scène se passe dans une salle de bain.
La peau a besoin d'eau sinon elle flétrit. Il compare la sécheresse sur terre à la peau. Sans eau, elle craquèle.
Il y a un message d'alerte qui demande à chaque citoyen d'agir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard car la sécheresse comme les rides sont inévitables.

Voilà ce qu'on peut dire sur cette image.

As-tu des soucis à le rédiger en anglais ?
Posté le 2 mars 2012
oui beaucoup =S !
Posté le 3 mars 2012
Fais déjà un petit texte en anglais et je te le corrigerai
Posté le 5 mars 2012
This document is an advertissement of the Legabiente association. It's an Italian environmental association founded in 1980. In this advert, we can see a man in his bathroom. He looking carefully at himself into the mirror. He may be between 30-40 years. He is perfectly shared and he is in search of wrinkles next to his eyes. We can understand he is very concerned by his physical appearance and his goof looking because there is some "lifting-firming-anti wrinkle" cream on the stelf in front of him . He certainly the dry skin and try to moisturize. We notice that his skull is deaply cracked. He cares for his face but not for his skull because he doesn't see it in the mirror or because this isn't what people can see at first sight. He isn't interested by real problem. This advert can see that we evolve in a world when our personnality and our confort is the first objective. Unfortenally, we forget the most important : the planet. It compares the skin to drought on earth, she craks without water. Man is responsible only to see it . It is (maybe) already too late. We can also note the pun in the slogan with the word face which means at the same time resolve the problem but also the man's face. In this advert, there is a warming message, who asks each citizen to act before it is too late. Drought like wrinkles are inevitable. More, for this campaign on the dangers of climate change Legambiente chose to speak in English. One way to emphazise that the problem is truly universal .

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