Correction sur exposé d'anne frank

Publié le 20 févr. 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 févr. 2013 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour , je dois faire un exposé sur anne frank en anglais qui durera quelques minutes . Je dois dire en quoi elle est une héroine par ce qu'elle a fait en donnant des qualités, mais aussi en donnant mon avis.
Je pense l'avoir terminé. Je me suis parfois aidé d'un traducteur , qui apparemment ne sont pas toujours fiable donc j'aurai besoin d'une correction de mon anglais et si vous avez d'autre arguments n'hésitez pas . Merci D'avance de votre aide :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I have chosen Anne Frank
On the morning of June 6th, 1942 during the world war two with Hitler, the Frank family were forced to go into hiding in a Secret room, Anne taking with her few possessions, one of them a diary she had received for her thirteenth birthday. Over the next few years, while Anne was stuck in the Annexe, unable to leave, she devoted herself to this diary.
Anne Frank was trapped. A girl of thirteen who had to deal with the fact that at any moment she could be discovered and sent to a concentration camp, which few survived. And yet, she never lost her spirit. That is why Anne went down in history, why she is still remembered today, though it is generations later. She never gave up hope, never failed to see the good in everything, and her bravery will be remembered forever. And she never gave up on her friend, Kitty, which was the name she gave to her diary. She liked to pretend that she had a best friend, was addressed too, and kept up correspondence with 'Kitty' until her and her family was discovered.
In his diary Anne Frank describes the facts, but also what she felt.It says its disputes, critics, fears and anger and the difficulty to live locked up and under threat to be discovered. You can also see a girl tormented because of the war, the hidden fear of live and hear the bombing. They did not live in good conditions there were rats, when it was hot it suffocating inside because he couldn't open the Windows. But mainly because supply was less important but which was done by a person that the assisted by importing those he needed but also by the news of what was happening from their surroundings but also to other Jews. He was not making too much noise because of the people who worked at the bottom and had to live in the dark. On August 4th, 1944, Anne and her family, and the other residents of the Secret Annexe were discovered by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps. Though Anne wasn't the type of girl to give up, she didn't survive long, dying shortly after her sister, Margot. Otto Frank, her father, was the only one of their family, and those who had joined them in the Annexe, that survived .The people of the world, who had been desperate for an account of what had happened under Hitler’s barbaric reign, was astonished by Anne's diary. It was one of the very first real life accounts of a young, innocent, school girl being punished cruelly for her beliefs. People were able to see the injustices of what had happened, and, through the power of her diary, get some insight into what it had been like for her. And though the diary is incredibly sad, I think it helps people appreciate what they have, and want to become a better person for it.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 févr. 2013
tu peu maider enn francais stp merciii

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