Faire un écrit professionnelle en anglais

Publié le 8 mai 2020 il y a 4A par bazize.lyna - Fin › 11 mai 2020 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir



Je doit faire une note de service.

Merci pour votre aide !


Voici la consigne du sujet : 

You are the communication director of a firm and your CEO has heard about the initiative of Lisa Kimmel of Edelman Toronto.
She asks you to write a memo aimed at all the staff explaining the benefits of reducing the number of internal emails sent every day.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici le travail que j'ai réalisé :

To : the staff in the company 

From :  Lisa Kimmel Communication director 

Date : monday  23 March 2020

Subject : reducing the number of internal emails 

Dear all

Please note that the number of internal emails sent every day takes up too much space in our professional life.Therefore we will put in place a system adapted to our business.


Indeed, our company, has implemented a new system which consists of to reduce our emails in internal.  To this system will allow you to be less stressed and therefore more productive.



This gives you the opportunity to change the way you work by various means such as digital platforms such as corporate social networks which is a more efficient way to transmit information internally.

We are at your disposal for any further information. Make note of our new phone and fax numbers.


kinds regards


1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 8 mai 2020

Dear all

Please note that the number of internal emails sent every day takes up too much space(time maybe better?) in our professional life.Therefore we will (I would put "therefore we think that we should...") put in place a system adapted to our business.


Indeed, our company, has implemented a new system which consists of reducing our emails internallyThis system will allow you to be less stressed and therefore more productive.



This gives you the opportunity to change the way you work by various means such as digital platforms such as ("digital platforms, for example..."?)corporate social networks which is a more efficient way to transmit information internally.

We are at your disposal for any further information. Please make note of our new phone and fax numbers.


kinds regards


C'est ma suggestion, je parle couramment et j'habite en Angleterre, donc ce que j'ai suggéré semble plus naturel, mais bien fait !

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