Besoin d'aide pour corriger des fautes

Publié le 16 janv. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 janv. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

en fait jvoulais vous demander si ça ne vous embetait pas de me corriger mes fautes? :)
Merci d'avançe!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1) She was inspered by a painting who represented a necktie party . In this picture, enough shoked, , we can notice on the foreground that two black men who are hung on a tree .We know that they have been lynched just to have looked white women . In this scene , lots of people are having fun, enjoying the moment . They are happy, whereas two men are being died in front of their eyes . What is again more impress is that there is a pregnat woman who is enjoying a scene where two men are losting the life, whereas she i wearing live ! For these personn,this is an entertainment to see a scene of lynching . Besides, at the end of the lynching, they enjoyed take some reast of their body .

2) She was scared people cant' stand her song " i was scared people would hate it " Her fear was because she was not sure of herself, and that she ( craignait? ) that her song "was a mistake ". However, she is reassured when people applause her .

3 ) She keep singing it on the one hand because the song was successful " people began to ask for it " and on the other to make realise to everyone that again today,and in spite of all times of persecutions , ill treat, and crimes against blacks, that horrors are still happening in the south.

4)Her father could have been killedby white people by the fact that he is blaks

5)She must refers to the necktie party, times where Blacks were considered as a merchendise, time where they were persecuted . They could be "flageller", get shot outside, ill treat . Roughly, she refers all the crimes done by the humanity against blacks .

6)Everytime she sung, she felt not very good, au point que ? , she needed to isole herself in the bathroom to cry . The song touched her so much that" she get sick". We can think this is because the song make tkink to her pop who could died in the same conditions, or for the same reasons.

7) I thinks that when black heard that song, they understood that this horrors can't happen again, and that they needed freedom

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